Prompt: What did you learn about your topic today in class on Wikipedia? What areas seem interesting to you? Have you already started to think about some possible research questions? Remember that a good research topic is one that you already know a little about but about which you are interested in learning more. What did you already know about this topic? In what area do you want to learn more?
Question Due: Today
Journal Entry Due: Monday, Oct 24 by 10 PM.
Note: Don't forget to stay on schedule or else you'll look like this guy!
Let the intellectual adventure begin!
Question Due: Today
Journal Entry Due: Monday, Oct 24 by 10 PM.
Note: Don't forget to stay on schedule or else you'll look like this guy!

At the beginning, my topic was parental involvement, but I only found less information on Wikipedia. Therefore, I've changed the topic to multicultural. From the topic "multicultural", I learned about pedagogy, globalizing world and multiculturalism which is interesting to me. Because of globalization, multicultural is becoming more common in every country, such as different races and different culture in American, new immigrant in Taiwan. Besides, multiculturalism is also described as a "salad bowl" which is worldwide known. About the possible research question, it could be "What is the different multiculturalism between Western societies and Eastern societies?" or "What are the pros and cons of multiculturalism?"