Friday, August 26, 2011

Journal 2: Getting Around

Vroom! Vroom! It has often been said that the USA has the best roads in the world. . . but the lousiest public transportation. What do you think?

Prompt: Write about how you get around here in America. Do you drive? Take the bus? Do you own a car? Do you want to own a car? How does Orange County's transportation system compare with your hometown?

Due Wednesday, August 31st at 10PM

Watch out for traffic jams,

Journal 1: Introductions

It is time for introductions! All of you, brave students of Proficient level, will be stuck with one another for many hours every week. It's best if we "start off on the right foot".

Prompt: You will write two short (1-2 paragraph) introductions. First, briefly introduce yourself. Please also include a photo of yourself.

Then introduce the classmate that you interviewed. Perhaps you could mention where your classmate is from, what his dreams or aspirations are, or what he's most afraid of! Remember you must have at least TWO classmates post a comment on your journal entry to receive full credit.

Due Sunday, August 28th at 10PM

Nice to meet you!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Welcome! This is our class weblog. A "blog" is a place where you can share your experiences and opinions. What better time to do that than now when you are living in a strange country learning a very strange language!? Blogging is also a great way to learn about your classmates and to help each other improve your English writing skills.


Once or twice a week I will post a prompt. A prompt is a question or topic which you respond to in writing. Your journal entry should be at least 3-4 paragraphs (approximately 15+ sentences) in length. If you want, you may post pictures or links to help your reader understand what you are talking about. As you learn more about English writing and grammar, feel free to come back and edit and correct your journal entries.

To receive a FULL grade for your journal entries, at least TWO classmates must post a comment.

Of course, I hope you will also use your blog to write just for fun, too! ALP professors love to see their students enjoying their American life and the English language.

So, what are you waiting for!? Create your own blog and start showing us who you are!
