Friday, September 9, 2011

Journal 6: Dr Dolittle

Here's a silly journal topic for you!

One of my favorite movies as a child was Doctor Dolittle. It was about this professor named Dolittle who learned all the animals' languages. He could speak with every animal! Most people didn't believe him, of course. It always made me wonder, however, what animals would have to say to us if they did have a language of their own.

Prompt: What would happen if animals could talk? What are some of the questions you would like to ask animals?

Due Wednesday, Sept 14th by 10PM.

Note: You can listen to and read the story here.

Man is an animal too,

Journal 5: Life's Soundtrack

Just like a movie
our life has a soundtrack. We can't help but associate songs we hear with the memories we make. The song above, "Such Great Heights", is a song which I will always associate with my relationship with my wife, Lisa. Many of our friends have told us that the lyrics to this song really describe our relationship. (I also like this acoustic version, which is very pretty.)

Prompt: What is your favorite song (or one of your most favorite)? Or, what song is very significant to you? When did you first hear the song, and how has it described or affected your life?

Due: Sunday, Sept 11th by 10PM.

Rock out!